Component Training for Freight Wagons

Here you will find a practical overview of all training courses for components. By clicking on "more information", we will provide you with extensive information on the respective training course in addition to the training course number and brief description shown here.

Learn more about our different training courses on components for freight wagons.

VRT 6123

Component summary

All vehicle components from VRT 160 to VRT 660 summarised in 1 week according to AVV up to maintenance according to VPI EMG.

more informationComponent summary
VRT 060

General Overview of Freight Wagons

In this seminar, participants with little experience and/or career changers will be introduced to freight wagons.

more informationGeneral Overview of Freight Wagons
VRT 160


This seminar is all about wheelsets. Starting with their construction, up to maintenance according to the Maintenance Guideline (VPI EMG) and the General Contract of Use for Freight Wagons (AVV)

more informationWheelsets
VRT 360


In this seminar, braking systems will be presented. Starting with their construction, up to maintenance according to the Maintenance Guideline (VPI EMG) and the General Contract of Use for Freight Wagons (AVV)

more informationBrakes
VRT 460

Bogies and Base Frames, Springs

In this seminar we will introduce you to bogies and base frames. Starting with their construction, up to maintenance according to the Maintenance Guideline (VPI EMG) and the General Contract of Use for Freight Wagons (AVV)

more informationBogies and Base Frames, Springs
VRT 560

Drawgear and Buffers

In this seminar, drawgear and buffers are presented. Starting with their construction, up to maintenance according to the Maintenance Guideline (VPI EMG) and the General Contract of Use for Freight Wagons (AVV)

more informationDrawgear and Buffers
VRT 660

Vehicle Bodies and Tanks

This seminar deals with types and treatment/operation of superstructures according to the General Contract of Use for Freight Wagons (AVV) up to maintenance according to the Maintenance Guideline (VPI EMG).

more informationVehicle Bodies and Tanks
VRT 699

Additional Training to Become a Brake Quality Inspector

This seminar is of interest to participants who need an operating license for freight wagons.

more informationAdditional Training to Become a Brake Quality Inspector

Our training courses and seminars for track vehicles provide you with the opportunity to undertake further training at any time. A hands-on seminar for operating track vehicles will also frequently cover practical training using an actual freight wagon, as is the case for our seminar "VRT 360 Brakes" for example.

If you are searching for a preparatory course to qualify as a "Maintenance Technician – brakes for track vehicles" or wish to complete the full training course to become a "Qualified Maintenance Technician – brakes for freight wagons", you will find detailed information on our extensive range of training courses in the section "Further training for operating brakes in track vehicles".

The annual further training course for already qualified Maintenance Technicians for brakes will provide brake mechanics with the opportunity to receive solid training. The ECM qualification "Brake mechanics" / license validation for brake mechanics operating freight wagons, traction units, passenger carriages or track vehicles in general, can be obtained by completing our further training courses.

Our basic training courses for track vehicles will also cover training for operating brakes on passenger carriages.

Should you have any questions or suggestions you can of course contact us by phone or email. Our contact details can be found in the section "contact".